Morgins comes alive with Cows

With some amazing Autumn weather of clear blue skies and warm temperatures Morgins again has looked its best this week-end for “ La Desalpe” This is  when the cattle are brought down from high altitude pastures for the winter, it  is a true celebration of the culture and traditional economy in the mountains that existed long before any ski lift opened. Each valley has its own parade of cows and bulls all beautifully dressed  with  a flower headdress, lead from their farms  (only accessible in the Summer) by the farmers and their very proud families. After the showing of the cattle there is traditional food and wine to sample along with Alpine horns and a strange “morris type dancing” with massive cow bells .It’s a great event where you can see how the mountain people earn their living from the land and join in the celebration with locals .These clips are from this year and other years when the weather wasn’t quite so warm !

Desalpe Morgins

Written by superadmin • 03/10/2010
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